Friday, May 2, 2008

Some Exciting News

Remember way back in December when we told you about Roman peeing in his potty for the first time? Well he hasn't done it since..... until Tuesday night! For the past three nights he has peed in his potty like a big boy. He gets so excited because the chair makes music as soon as his "waste" hits the bowl. Now to get him to do it during the day and we'll be well on our way to potty training!

In other news, Shamus had been cruising like a champ and has attempted taking a few steps in the past few days. He pretty much falls right over but he's getting there. While I'm not anxious for him to grow up too fast I am really excited for him to start walking. He's also cutting his top two (possibly four) teeth and he's been eating table food really well. He LOVES bananas and will eat sometimes two whole ones for breakfast. Some cute things that he's been doing recently- my mom got him this car with a chicken on it that makes a lot of noise, well I guess he doesn't like the noises it makes because every time it starts up he puts his hands over his ears as if he were saying "please make it stop!" Also today he looked at me and said "up" and raised his arms up for me to pick him up.

These two are getting to be so big, and smart, that keeping up with them is going to be a huge task in and of itself. More pics to come!

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Crawling today...walking tomorrow...soon to be followed by daily "Search and Destroy" missions. :-)